Void filled srtm download

Nasadem extends the legacy of the shuttle radar topography mission srtm by improving the digital elevation model dem height accuracy and data coverage as well as providing additional srtm radarrelated data products. This page provides a summary of how i have filled the nodata voids in the dem data from the srtm, using. Id like to hear from the gis community on the most appropriate methods that can be used to fill the voids without adding addtional systematic errors to the dem. The ddelta surface fill method elta surface fill method in february 2000, the space shuttle endeavour. The srtm digital elevation data provided on this site has been processed to fill data voids, and to facilitate its ease of use by a wide group of potential users. The srtm digital elevation data, produced by nasa originally, is a major. In 2002 the nasa and usgs released a global data set of the earth surface geometry in 3 arc second 90m resolution obtained during a space shuttle mission in 2000. For hydrosheds, two different void filling algorithms have been applied in combination. Nasa released a finished version of these data called version 2. Srtm plus uses srtm version 2 see below where the radar interferometric method was successful not void.

The data can be downloaded in the download srtm section under the open database license or ccbysa license. Contribute to esriarcgis runtimesamplesdata development by creating an account on github. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm, see farr et al. Void filled srtm plus released srtm nasa v3 nasa has released a void filled version of the shuttle radar topography mission digital elevation model, known as srtm plus or srtm nasa version 3. Africa dem data for all of africa can be downloaded via the world coverage map. Nasa shuttle radar topography mission global 3 arc second v003. Srtm 90m digital elevation database cgiar platform for. Digital elevation data with srtm voids filled using accurate.

Space shuttle radar topography mission several srtm data versions and products are available. Srtm digital elevation data 30m earth engine data catalog. Shuttle radar topography mission national aeronautics. This paper also explores alternative methods for filling voids using standard gis platforms such as arcgis. Andrew jarvis of the ciat land use project, in collaboration with h. The srtm data is a digital surface model as it includes canopy and buildings and other infrastructure etc, theres further information in this question to get a bare earth dem from srtm data requires some processing, for example see gallant et al you dont specify what part of the world you want data for, but there is 30m srtm dsm and dem data processed using the gallant method to. As with daps srtm us elevation 30m dataset, the new srtm grids are provided in geosoft grid format. The version 1 data had many data voids and irregular water surfaces and coastlines.

Shuttle radar topography mission is part of wikiproject geology, an attempt at creating a standardized, informative, comprehensive and easytouse geology resource. I know its far from perfect, feel free to improve it. Download 30meter srtm data easily with this point and. Without the publication of aster gdem version 2, the task of filling the large srtm desert voids would have taken considerably longer. Cells with varying terrain and void sizes were used, and a statisticalvisual analysis of the performance of the void fill solution was. The l3harris imagelinks 3 arc second approximately 90m void filled srtm elevation data set is composed of 14277 one degree by one degree dted cells covering approximately 80% of the earths landmass between 60 degrees north and 56 degrees south latitudes. Free world at 1 arc second resolution 30m radio mobile download site 1. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data access and.

Nasa shuttle radar topography mission global 1 arc second v003. Elevation void fill functionhelp arcgis for desktop. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data products and non published srtm for canada source for northern canada and void filling. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm non void filled north of juneau, alaska. An evaluation of void filling interpolation methods for srtm data.

Large srtm voids were filled with 1km gtopo while small srtm voids were. Preferably these voids are filled with an alternative dem rather than via interpolation. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data was acquired over a 11day mission in february 2000. This data is provided in an effort to promote the use of geospatial science and applications for sustainable development and resource conservation in the developing world. For consistency, the best dem to fill the latest gdem is an earlier gdem. An evaluation of voidfilling interpolation methods for. International journal of geographical information science volume 21, issue 9, 2007. These files have been processed to fill data voids and there is a corresponding kmz file which contains a 90meter index for growing srtm data. Two datasets offer global coverage void filled srtm data at full resolution. Srtm shuttle radar topography mission center for earth. An overview of the different versions is given in figure 2 in the srtm user guide jplnasa version 1 srtm non void filled, unedited elevation data us. Nasa shuttle radar topography mission srtm v3 global 1 arc second.

This srtm v3 product srtm plus is provided by nasa jpl at a resolution of 1 arcsecond approximately 30m. Ive recently downloaded the srtm 30m dem tiles from the usgs earth explorer website. Id like to hear from the gis community on the most appropriate methods that can be used to fill the voids within adding additional systematic errors to the dem. The srtm digital elevation data provided on this site has been processed to fill data voids and to facilitate its ease of use by a wide group of potential users.

Srtmgl3 is the default 3arcsecond data for the world obtained by averaging the 1arcsecond raw data. The process was performed 3 times inn order to eliminate all voids. We define a void in the srtm dataset as an area over the landsurface, which contains nodata and is not a water body. To give an idea, how many areas are affected by the voids. The data originate in the nasa shuttle radar topographic mission srtm data held at the national map seamless data distribution system. In areas with limited data, existing topographical data were used to supplement the srtm data to fill the voids. Nasa shuttle radar topography mission srtm version 3. The primary goal of creating the version 3 data was to eliminate gaps, or voids, that were present in earlier versions of srtm data.

The primary goal of creating the version 3 data was to eliminate voids that were present in earlier versions of srtm data. Digital elevation shuttle radar topography mission srtm usgs. Voids occur when there are no points collected within the area represented by a pixel in the resultant raster. The main reason i added this is because its hard to find the best. Voidfilled srtm digital elevation model of afghanistan. Coverage map for srtm void fill data from linked coverage map of elevation data from. Max void width the elevation void fill function is used to create pixels where holes exist in your elevation. They affect all summits over 8,000 meters, most summits over 7,000 meters, many alpine and similar summits and ridges, and many gorges and canyons. Srtm data void filled national aeronautics and space administration applied remote sensing training program 12 gdex. Srtm void filling with spline interpolation in grass gis the elevation datasets are affected by mountain and desert nodata areas. These data had most voids filled in by interpolation, lake surfaces were corrected, and coastlines properly defined and aligned. The main issue with gdem is artificial trash on the flat sands. Therefore, a void filling procedure has been applied to provide a continuous dem for hydrosheds.

Usgs earthexplorer hosts worldwide coverage of void filled data and provides open distribution of this highresolution global dataset. Opentopography shuttle radar topography mission srtm. Digital contours were gridded to form elevation models for void areas and subsequently were merged with the srtm data through gis and image processing techniques. The current version of the srtm 30m dem has numerous voids that need to be filled. Download 30meter srtm data easily with this point and click interface. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data access and application. Jplnasa version 1 srtm nonvoid filled, unedited elevation data us. This interface attempts to ease the pain of downloading 30meter resolution elevation data from the shuttle radar topography mission click on yellow tiles to download their corresponding data tiles come as zipped srtmhgt files at 1arcsecond resolution 3601x3601 pixels in a latitudelongitude projection, downloaded from nasa servers. Guevara to fill in data voids and produce a seamless mosaic. The data are available for download via earthdata search, the lp.

Numerous methods have been developed for void filling of srtm data see e. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data have been enhanced to fill areas of missing data void filled to provide more complete digital elevation data with a resolution of 1 arcsecond 30 meters and 3 arcseconds 90 meters for global coverage. International journal of geographical information science. Srtm consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the space shuttle endeavour during an 11day mission in february of 2000. The whole world is now on this site at 3 and 15 arc second resolutions.

Pdf filling voids of srtm with landsat sensor imagery in. Since some areas of missing data or voids were still present in the srtm collection, the nga filled the voids using interpolation algorithms in conjunction with other sources of elevation data. Unfortunately this data set contains significant gaps in the coverage. Groups of scientists have worked on algorithms to fill the voids of the original srtm data. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm obtained elevation data on a nearglobal scale to generate the most complete highresolution digital topographic database of earth. These voids were filled by a 33 matrix with the mean value zero values were ignored. The new data are available for download from the usgs eros data center see. Filling voids of srtm with landsat sensor imagery in rugged terrain. The srtm collection was edited to delineate and flatten water bodies, better define coastlines, remove spikes and wells, and fill small voids.

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